if you see my blog in a mess.
I don't know why it's all messed up on IE,
but perfectly fine in firefox. (:
Download link here:
i think my tagboard has some problem with it, right?Anybody encounter problems with it?
I can't seem to post my replies. ):
Sooooo, I'll reply here!
I can't seem to post my replies. ):
Sooooo, I'll reply here!
Xuan: Msn! (:
Alicia: Hey babe, i can't do anything t correct it either.
only thing that helps solve the problem is viewing with firefox.
if you wanna download firefox,
i've already left the link the th top on my blog post. (:
Hope this helps!
Vain: Hello vain, just wanna ask.
Why do you keep naming yourself Vain?
It's so cute. hahahas.
Loo: I'm so irritated with IE!
*Stomp feet!* :x
Alicia: Then i can't do anything either. (:
Cos the problem doesn't lie on my blogskin html.
But on Internet Explorer itself.
Sher: Hah, I'm just joking laaaaah!
Relax, My Dear Girl!
I'm listening t Push It Baby Remix (feat. Sean Paul).
Cocker Cut
Body: 5mm blade,
Straight line from Chest Bone to Back.
Blend thru into skirting.
(In my case, Use 6.5mm)
Ears: 2mm blade,
Clip thru half length of ears.
Chest: 2mm blade,
Clip thru a straight line up from
chest area to Lower lip area. (Inverted)
Clip chest area to form a V.

Hand Scissoring-
- Rounding of feets.
- Back, Front
- Underline (Slight Curve @side, Straight down.)
- Left, Right
- Head, Tail.
Chest: Blend V with thinning shears.
I just bought a new blusher &a Bronzer!
Yesterday is like, damn shiok.
I was totally dreading going t school.
But, needless t say, i had t drag my feets out of bed.
But it wasn't that bad lah.
I met-up Tania before we went t school,
then when the crackpot instructor see the both of us,
her face totally blacken that instant.
Prolly because i complained on her t th boss.
But like, it was useless too lah.
Cos th damn boss is the instructor's boyf.
so, how also he told us,
"It's to your own benefit, yadda yadda."
Oh please hor, mop floor benefit my ass.
To think darling still wanted me t go and quarrel with instructor.
quarrel, &wait t get expelled by that petty crackpot.
But whatever! Yesterday was damn relaxing.
I even had time to take a break &sit outside,
gulp down my drink &chit-chat with my friends.
Then like, after i'm done with th cocker cut.
She was like,
" okay fidel, sweep the floor then you can leave alrdy!"
i was expecting her to give me another dog,
then i'll have to stay and do till 8-9pm!
So yah, after class.
Tania accompanied me,
then i went t meet yuanqing @amk hub.
&we went t watch "Secrets."
It's not bad thou, not like those kuku chinese love-love movies.
Th storyline &plots are great.

And i went t watch Secrets for th 2nd time with leon!
@ amk hub AGAIN!
It's 3 days in a row alrdy okay.
And i'm officially sick of that place!
PS: Cheena piang, No more AMK hub please.
Alright, whatever.
So until 6pm when my boy finally
came round t my place t fetch me.
I realize i haven't ate anything at all for the whole day.
I totally forget about eating! What th hell.
So we bought our tickets & ate at NewYork NewYork.
Darling had BBQ PorkRibs & i had th Giant Meatballs Pasta.
And we had this Fried mushroom thingy with Mayo-Lime dippings.
Which is totally unglam-y to eat if
you didn't cut it into small teenie pieces.

And i think the food kinda sucks there,
either th food is bad, or the both of us is really picky.
But i don't think we're not going back
there t eat anytime soon!
I'd prefer Tao's Anyday!
Darling.. (tugs sleeve).. CREME BRULEE! :D
So after the movie, my boy had t book in
&he sent me hoooome.
*Clings on t darling like monkey!*
So i took out my babies &trim their naaaails.
They're hardly babies anymore,
But they're still so adorable!

& this is for my darling gwennie!
who's th god-sent-angel that's always there for me. (:

Pictures credited t Candypulp.
Sigh, okay.
Another dress that doesn't suit me.
And it's brand new.
I'm letting it go at 25bucks.
Which is a steal!
&it comes with th white leather belt too.
I bought it for like, 33 +2.24 = 35.24 sgd! ):
& i'm throwing in a meetup
so you girls can save on postage!
More pictures/Details &measurements of
The oscar de la Renta Inspired Eyelet Trapeze
@ http://community.livejournal.com/
Mailed/Msn/Text (if you've my number of cos!)
me @fidelis_frenz4life@hotmail.com
if you've any enquiries
&you wanna grab that pretty dress from me! :D
PS: Babes, there's been like,
5-6 girls asking me if the
Green Tea Burner pills are still available.
but i've sold it t a girl who mailed me ytd!
Sorry for the disappointment!
I love y'all &taaaaaag darlings! :D
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